Motivational Quotes

Achieve Every thing
Whatever In Your mind, You Must conceive, believe, And achieve.
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"Opportunities don't happen, 
you create them."
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Will I be successful?
Before you start some work,
always ask yourself three questions - 
Why am I doing it?
What the results might be?
Will I be successful?

Only when you think deeply and find satisfactory answers to these questions,
Go ahead.

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..........Be in the Best Place..........
A drop of water in lake, there is no identity,
But if it is on leaf of lotus, it shines like pearl,
Be in d best place where U can shine

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Learn From Others
“Learn from the mistakes of others… 

you can’t live long enough to make them all yourselves!!”
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Don’t say you are not important it simply isn’t true
The fact that you were born is proof god has a plan for you.

The path may seem unclear right now but one day you will see
That all that came before was tautly mint to be

God wrote the book that is your life that’s all you need to known
Each day that you are living was written long ago.

God only writes best sellers, so be proud of who you are,

Your character is important, In this book you are the star.
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Credit Your Self
What you Think of your Self is Much More Important

then What other think of you.
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Begin your day with a Smile
And pass it on as you go by.

For the sun shines of the sky
Is not brighter then smile
Smile when future seem bright

Smile when money is tight
Smile when you ought to fight
Smile, Smile and feel light
 Smile and fly high.

Leap and reach the sky
Smile when you have to sign

And with troubles “Good bye”
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Being Your Character Bright

If the Wealth is Lost Nothing is Lost
If the Health is Lost Something is Lost

If the Character is Lost Everything Is Lost
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